Saturday, April 19, 2003

Dude, I've seriously been dissed by Alleywriter for posting a link to that comic. He all says:

It's very sad when someone I've always liked and respected starts using their site to support the craziest, most paranoid and most hateful aspects and pundits of the Left.

Here's what I said to him:

Oh come on. It's a comic man. And it IS true. There ARE people who wave a flag around with no thought in their head whatsoever, and follow Dubya unquestioningly. I like you despite disagreeing with a lot of your political views since ALWAYS, and now I show the slightest bit of mine by linking to a comic I find personally amusing, I'm all the enemy? That's cold, man.

And, he friggin' illustrates the third panel of the very comic he thinks is so wrong: "and almost always include a pronounced aversion to differing points of view."

Or if his gripe was the "terror alert" thing I have on the left, come on! "This is what happens to little girls who chew too much gum" is funny no matter what your political views are.

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