Monday, July 15, 2002

Good: Wanda e-mailed me, I've also found out that I'm not supposed to have a seat designation anyway

Bad: parents will prolly wonder about seat designation thing, because I'm sposed to be part of a group

Bad: I lost the list of things I should take my prof gave out, it came with a letter full of dates of meetings we had six months ago. I finally winkled up the courage to ask him for another copy and he gave it to me, with the addition of, "You treat letters like they're food with expiration dates. You're the only person I've ever met who does that. There was a lot of important stuff in there." Blah blah blah. Sometimes I wonder if he actively trys to make people feel bad, because this is not the first time he's given me a long hurtful lecture on some minor thing I've done wrong.

Good or Bad, depending on your perspective: I'll prolly have no further posts for awhile, because of my trip, the ensuing business beforehand and the double hecticness afterwards.

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