Thursday, July 11, 2002

Ugh.....I go through roommates like........something that goes through a lot of roommates. This fall, I'll be on my 3rd one. My 3rd. Once you get up that high, people know no one wants to live with you.

Actually, my current roommate dillemna is probably the fact that I'm too picky. Though people have told me I can be annoying. (Though I'm not going to admit that to the new roommate, she'll find out sooner or later) My original roommate was great in every way except that she stayed up till 4 every night on AIM, and I'm an insomniac. Also, she'd do the "many hits of the snooze button" thing at 6 a.m., when I didn't have a class until like, 10, and she'd kept me up all night anyway. I was pretty suicidal/homicidal that semester.

I chose the new roommate on the contingency that we'd get to bed at 12, and the fact she was a friend. We did pretty well, though near the end she kind of got more and more annoyed that I was so strict about bed-time, and I got more and more annoyed by the long naps she would take during the day where I'd have to try and be quiet. Also, she wouldn't let me play any music whatsoever not on headphones, and pretty frequently did the same when I'd watch TV. But we were good friends, we complimented each other, a match made in weirdo heaven.

Now, however, my roommate is an RA, and they live alone. She's actually moving away to the farthest away dorm on campus (from everything, not just my dorm. The only thing out where she'll be living is like, the ag building). She said when she heard that she felt like, "Someone prepared to move to Russia being told that I'm going to Siberia now." I was sad too. And, I'm quite full of trepidation at the aspect of getting a new roommate.

I mean.....I've heard so many stories about awful roommates. When I first started college, I had no idea how many people here were jerks. And, I don't even have to be saddled with a jerk to be unhappy, i could end up with another one like the first, perfect except for one aspect that would REALLY get under my skin. Roommate says that if the new one irritates me that I can squat in her Siberian dorm until I can get re-assigned to another person.

Then, I was thinking: I feel sorry for the person that's going to have to live with me. I mean, old roommate knew what she was getting into. Back when I hooked up with first roommate, I wasn't near as bitter, I was trying really hard to make a good first impression, and I've developed quite a few quirks (defense mechanisms because of the horror of ISU) since then.

Things that will make a bad impression on new roommate:

  • I have a pretty imposing picture of the Ringwraiths from LotR on my wall now

  • I've got too many stuffed animals

  • I have aquired the admittedly disturbing habit of making the stuffed animals (and occasionally other inanimate objects) talk

  • Frequently what I make the stuffed animals say is abusive to myself and/or others as well as being chock full of profanity

  • Star Wars/Star Trek paraphanalia

  • I'm a slob. No human or even animal should have to live the filthy way I do. Being stuck in a tiny room with me is hell

  • I talk in my sleep. I get up to use the bathroom like 80 times a night, even when I haven't drank anything for hours.

  • Apparently, according to College Student standards, wanting to go to bed at 12 every night makes me a mean Amish woman.

  • I just don't care about concealing my weirdess anymore. She's going to have to endure my Miss Cleo impression, my abusive stuffed animals, and the fact that I'm the only female student at ISU who doesn't listen to N'Stank

Anyhoo, I can't go on with my system of calling roommate "roommate" and my old roommate "old roommate," so I guess it'll go:

First roommate for first roommate
Siberian for middle roommate
Roommate for new roommate, after I meet her.

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