Saturday, July 10, 2004

Pointless in-gossip, but I felt like posting it.

Phoemeister: when I'm graduated and have a real job and get vacation days I'm totally going to visit and rock your world
Phoemeister: in a non-sexual manner.
Talia: :: LAUGHS:: I was going to say :-P
Phoemeister: I knew you would take it that way, guttermind, which is why I added the extra bit :P
Talia: I'll have to hide you from X* and his buddies before they try to brain wash you into their cult
Phoemeister: I thought they never came around anymore anyway
Talia: if they found out you were here, they would... although they might not, considering A let X know how I felt about him hehe
Talia: which by the way, X says the reason he hasn't gone back to Mareks is because of me :-P I had no cause to jump on him publicly so he doesn't go there anymore
Talia: nice of him to tell you that after he recruited you to do that webpage
Phoemeister: That bastard! He never EVER told me, this is the first I've heard of it, I just thought he was dragging his heals like usual.
Phoemeister: I hate him so much. Actually, you should probably keep him away from me to protect him, not me. If I ever see him in person, I swear I'm going to kick him in the nutsack
Phoemeister: Maybe even hard enough to stop the flow of poorly named spawn
Talia: ::l aughs:: I just might pay you to do that
Talia: actually the second little girl hasn't got a bad name but I can never remember it
Phoemeister: I would do it for free, believe me.
Phoemeister: Yeah, I know. But the first kid's name still gets me.

Incidently, who else that reads this wants to meet me? I'm kind of fishing for invitations to capitalize on some day when I want to take a wacky roadtrip that I can record in my memoirs. And if you invite me, and I never do come, don't feel bad. I probably just think you're a psycho.

* X being a mutual internet aquaintaince. Who has a child with an absolutely ludicrous name.

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