Saturday, January 19, 2002 wealth test

Congratulations! Based on inflation, taxes, the anticipated world economy, melting icecaps, free love, the global yeast war of 2017, the Canadian depression of 2021, and your personal financial outlook, you can expect to be worth one million dollars at...

43 years old!

This is how you'll make (or lose) big bucks during your very eventful life. Match these events on your personal timeline with the graph to see their effects.

2004: Armed robbery turns hot lead to gold.

2006: Too many babies! Sex gets expensive!

2011: Kung-Fu impresses all the rich hos.

2014: A high-level magic-user steals your treasure horde. Your long sword with flametongue is useless when he casts "Freeze Balls".

"Hi, I'm Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, noted crap-monger, and star of TV's Melrose Place. I'm also a psychic. Anyway... I predict that your first million dollars will be made in 2022, in the following ways: "

$156,000 begging in the streets.

$152,000 being a star.

$96,000 criminal mischief.

$357,000 working 9 to 5.

$92,000 'working' between the sheets.

$147,000 hunting/gathering.

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