Tuesday, January 01, 2002

I think my Mom has some sort of luggage fixation.

Last year, she got me luggage for my birthday. I didn't want luggage. I never go anywhere.

Then, awhile later, she got new luggage for herself and dad. Dad was content with the old stuff. Mom doesn't go anywhere.

Now that I am trying to go to England, I'm slightly more appreciative of the luggage. I say slightly, because this will be the first time I've gone anywhere in a heck of a long time, and I probably won't go anywhere else for a heck of a long time, so basically it probably would've been better in the long run to borrow luggage.

But now she's all like, "You need another suitcase! The luggage you have now isn't enough!"

Luggage is expensive. I was like, alright, I'll just use the old stuff. But she threw that away when she got the new stuff.

I was like, alright, I'll just borrow dads. "His isn't any bigger than yours."

I was like, alright, can I borrow yours? "No." So now i'm doomed to get a big honking suitcase I'll never use. Gee thanks.

Then, I was talking to my sis today, complaining about it. She was like, "well, it could be useful. You never know. Like, I'm going on my honeymoon in september, I'm probably going to have to get something bigger."

Then I was like, "Oh. Well, if I do end up with a big honking suitcase, you can borrow mine for your honeymoon, I'll be back by then.. No sense in us both having to buy new luggage." And mom made a whole big fuss about that. Apparently, EVERYONE has to have as much useless/near useless luggage as possible, in her view.

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