Monday, December 16, 2002

I went to have lunch with my sister at work today, it was nice. I think she appreciates my visits--mom doesn't visit her ever.

Speaking of my mom--Annoying lately. Talking to EVERYONE SHE KNOWS on the phone, telling them the exact colonoscopy (read: shoving a scope up my ass after shoving lots of laxatives down my throat) procedure. When I told her I don't want to have to hear/think about it until time. I mean, she doesn't even bother to go into another room, where I can't hear her. It annoys me, and I also have to wonder if all of these people want to know every damn detail of the procedure. And she always manages to get in her (seemingly pre-rehearsed) spiel how she's so great because they were going to make me have the procedure the day after christmas (meaning I'd have to start on the laxatives ON Christmas) but she made them wait until January 2. It was nice of her, but some of the niceness is being taken out by the fact that she's bragging to everyone about how nice she is.

Oh, here is something nice she did for me lately: She got me this really nice chapstick. I actually really liked it that she did this, because it was sort of a "I thought of you while I was out shopping/just because" gift. I like those more than stuff like christmas, because even though "just because" gifts are sort of rinky-dink, they're nice because they're unexpected, and it lets you know you're not forgotten.

Oh, and I got to see Star Trek: Nemesis yesterday. ***Spoilers Follow***

I liked it, except for the whole Data thing. If he was dead for good, I'd be REALLY pissed, as it is I'm kind of annoyed because I know that they're going to rig B4 somehow to be him later. This annoys me because 1) Earlier on in the movie, Data himself is all "B4 and I are not the same, to reassure Picard of his personal identity when confronted with his clone. 2) It's a dumb plot twist because everyone knows that they're going to rig B4 into Data. 3) It's been done. They've already explored the whole "die and then come back" thing with Spock. Why attempt to re-do it?

Yes, I know, I am such a star trek nerd. Oh well :P

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