Monday, December 31, 2001

I am a strange, strange person. I'm at work, and I just taped a pen to the radio.

See, this is how desperate I am to hear rock rather than pop, that to improve the reception I taped a pen on as sort of a makeshift supplemental antenna. I was at the end of my rope.

Worked rather well, though.

And also: yet another step towards me becoming a juvenile delinquent after my time:

you know how I've mentioned I can't pee at my job? You don't? Well, I can't.

Well, partially in order to enforce this, the door is locked, so if we left, we wouldn't be able to get back in after our pee unless we want to vault in over the desk. Now how this makes us effective if we have to leave in case of hampers it pretty badly. It's pretty dead when I come in, but when my roommate has been working, two separate occaisons she's been unable to help people who needed it.

1) The handicapped door is busted, she saw someone trying to get through. They eventually made it themselves, but she was pretty annoyed she couldn't go out to help him.

2) This is the coup de grace: A bell started going off. She called our supervisor, and he said he'd come down in a couple of hours. Finally, a mail attendant came (after about an hour), and my roommate made the girl stay there to let her back in. She investigated. It was someone who had been stuck in the elevator. For an hour. Because our supervisor wouldn't come down, and she couldn't go and investigate.

Anyhoos: Both of us have found a way around it. My roommate says next time she needs to help someone, she's going to borrow the keys we have in the back that are supposed to be for the RA's that indeed open the door.

Mine is much more juvenile. You know those prong things in the side of the door that are basically what keeps the door from opening when it's blocked? I tape them down.

Not to help people, really. For my own selfish peeing convenience. But I figure I'd get in less trouble than if I took the keys.

Also, we both thought we'd get in trouble if someone saw the door propped open.

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