Thursday, July 28, 2005

Sage Advice on Dealing With One's Parents

Sui: well if she says no, then you just tell her to suck your balls
Phoemeister: but I don't have balls
Sui: you just walk up and say, "you know what mom? suck mah balls"

Phoemeister: lol
Sui: and then she'll realize you're a goddamned adult with a fithly sailor mouth like that
Sui: and you can do whatever-the-hell you please
Sui: like an adult
Sui: and if that still doesn't work
Sui: you tell her to suck your balls again
Sui: and storm off to your room to listen to angry music and pout
Sui: and complain to your internet friends how your mom is such a bitch
Phoemeister: That's what I do now.
Sui: you gotta go through the other steps first!
Phoemeister: Oh.
Sui: no skipping
Phoemeister: damn

. . .

Phoemeister: the "suck my balls" speech made it onto the blog
Phoemeister: you should be proud
Sui: haha
Sui: nice
Sui: i am famous!
Phoemeister: I know
Phoemeister: you get more play on my blog
Phoemeister: than on your own :P
Sui: haha indeed
Phoemeister: but that's cause you're such a lazy bastard
Phoemeister: ibpw
Sui: haha
Sui: i just have nothing new to report
Sui: "moving, working a lot, sleep now"
Phoemeister: true
Phoemeister: but you could post convers like I do
Phoemeister: or interesting links
Phoemeister: or out mike on the world wide web
Phoemeister: and then tell his parents the url to your blog
Sui: haha
Sui: i'm pretty sure everyone already suspects mike
Sui: so it's nothing big
Phoemeister: damn

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