Thursday, July 21, 2005

So my day was fraught with various levels of suckage. The whole moving thing is still going on, my family and I came over when we had absolutely nothing to do, none of us. I guess my parents are just very eager at every possible chance they get to hang out with my sis and/or her baby. It makes me sad, kind of. Not that I want them bothering me all the time, but my mom calls my sister up like, every day to talk, and they always want to hang out. When I lived in the dorms... I got nothing. Okay, technically I came home most every weekend, but still... meh.

On top of that, I can't believe how far ahead of me my sister is, at just four years older than me. She's got the ginormous house now. She's got the well paying job. She's got the husband and the baby. I'm... jobless, still living with my parents. And no, I never wanted a baby, and I would be happy with a small appartement. But I've got no job, no idea how to get a half decent one, and obviously have never ever had any prospects for romance (I am so very freakish, and I don't even know why). I am a disappointment to myself, and even more of one to society at large. I know this makes me a whiner, but eh... I am a whiner, I might as well go with it.

Today was the day after the 'phew's birthday. But since they were in the middle of moving and obviously he doesn't know anything about what day is which, his party is a couple days from now. And tonight, my parents and I gave him what we got him. My parents got him a ton of crap, I got him this chenille frog beanbag chair. Which, of course, I have crappy timing, he's no longer at the age where he lies around all day which would be optimum beanbag chair age, and he's still at the stage where moving around is exciting, so he never wants to sit, which is the exact opposite of optimum beanbag chair age. So maybe he'll like it when he's slightly older.

Also, today was one of the few days I've had in awhile where I didn't feel really sick, but I was way constipated, so I know tomorrow it's going to be horrible.

I borrowed some books from my sister, because she had all her books out and was putting them into the bookshelf. Really, I don't know why I don't do this more often, her and I's tastes are similar enough that we occaisionally buy the same book without knowing. The ones I got from her this time she enthusiastically reccomended, but I don't know if they'll be my favorites, it's fantasy or sci fi or something because it takes place in an alternate universe, but it sounds pretty much like a mystery novel in fantasy novel's clothing, which, meh. Very few mysteries have I truly loved. Who knows, though? I got nothing better to do right now, obviously.

On my part, I'm going to try and turn her onto Robin Hobb. I did that to a friend recently, and it worked marvelously.

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