Friday, April 15, 2005

Gah. Stupid George Lucas. I hate the prequels. So much so in fact that my dad brought home the dvd of some cartoon that's supposed to bridge the gap between 2 & 3 and I actually wanted to avoid watching it, though I did anyway.

What have you done, George Lucas? I used to LOVE star wars, but you've turned me into someone who would AVOID it? You suck. I'm going to see 3 because I can't not see 3. But I'm sure it's going to suck. I had high hopes for 1, and it sucked. Everyone TOLD me 2 was going to be way better, but it sucked. And now everyone's telling me 3 is going to be better but it's going to be crap too.

The cartoon: eh. Anakin was SUCH a whiney bitch I want to hurt him. But he always is like that, so I can't really blame the cartoon people. He sucks at being a good guy and he sucks at being a bad guy. I know everyone else hates Jar-Jar. And it's not like I love Jar-Jar. But I would take Jar Jar a million times over stupid Anakin. He drives me nuts.

Other than that, it actually reminded me of this book I read once that drived me nuts. It had all these aliens and stuff that just really could kick a regular human's ass. So the author started putting in other stuff to make the human protagonists fancier and fancier to beat them. But then like, these humans trained from birth could kill all sorts of crazy crap, but they weren't enhanced at all other than training. It was just stupid. And that's how this was, things would just start mowing down the clone troopers like gangbusters, then ONE jedi would come along and kick it's ass, while busting up about a thousand droids at the same time. Lame.

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