Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Yesterday was the second to last day of work at the station for me.

So YAY at not having to work there anymore.

BOO at my impending unemployed slobness.

Since the places I already applied never called me back, I guess I'm going to have to start applying more places, which is just the hugest pain in the ass ever. I hate doing that, and even worse hate job interviews. I wish I could just fast forward to the job.

I also have to decide if I want to go into news at all anymore. And if I think not, I have to see if there's anything else in video prod I can get. And if I can't do that, I have to give in and start applying for other jobs.

The only thing really notable about yesterday was the lecture finally came about denting the van. The news director was fairly cool about it, he didn't yell at me or anything. He seems like a pretty calm guy, actually. I think he needs to be, to deal with that madhouse. Anyway, I took the lecture pretty well except for the part of it that was on how careless I am with station things, and I should try to treat them like my own things. I think part of this was a reference to that incident where I put DB's camera in his cubby, even though there wasn't enough space because of his ginormous bag.

Anyway, that kind of irritated me. Because the dent thing: totally something I can see doing to my own car. It was a moronic mistake, I'm a total idiot, and I feel bad, but it wasn't like I was driving at top speed in the van, or not looking for the hell of it because I just don't care. I am just a very bad driver, mostly because I have HORRIBLE observational skills. Which again, is probably a reason why I shouldn't go into news.

And the camera/ginormous bag thing: Yes, I probably wouldn't do that with my own things. But I wouldn't have done it with the station's things in the first place if DB didn't put the fear of god in me about moving his stuff.

Today, I slacked off.

Though it shows up as tomorrow, since this is two forty a.m.

also, new alternatune

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