Sunday, November 04, 2001


I have been pretty cool about the anthrax thing so far (not getting freaked out, etc) except that yesterday I got some mail from the National Geographic Society. As it's name suggests, it's based in Washington D.C., where all the anthrax has been spreading from.

I wasn't too worried. If most mail that went thru DC was contaminated, we'd have an even worse problem with it right now.

I did, however, make a smart ass comment to my mom about how it was a bit creepy that I got something from D.C.

She went nuts! I was going to throw it away anyway, but she wouldn't even let me go to my room to throw it away, she made me throw it away in front of her in the kitchen. Apparently, she was afraid I'd secretly open it up in my room and spread anthrax throughout the house and infect our family.

Dammit! I TOLD her I was throwing it away! Why can't she ever believe me about anything?

And even if I DID open it, it wouldn't even matter. The airborne anthrax is NOT coming from the National Geographic Society, for heaven's sake. So if it did have anthrax, it'd have come from rubbing up against one of the other envelopes with the contact anthrax, in which case mom and I would already be infected with anthrax from touching the envelope already.

Like I needed an excuse to get MORE paranoid.

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