Thursday, November 29, 2001

Last night, I discovered that I have an anti-perfect streak or something. Why? I was watching Pleasantville last night (two kids from the 90's get sucked into a 50's sitcom, where everything's perfect and black and white, but thanks to their interference things begin to get colored and imperfect, but the overall message is sort of they're better off unperfect. Perfect's boring) And I'd forgotten how much I love that movie. I mean, I like things that are somewhat clever, sort of in the genre of humor + drama, but I especially like this movie.

Then I got to thinking of how much I love this book called Villains by Necessity (by Eve Forward), it's my favorite ever. It's about this world where the epic struggle between good and evil has occured--and good has won. Only, because of this imbalance, the world is quickly heading toward destruction. Several villians have to get together to bring evil back to the world and save everything. I never really analysed it before, until I was talking to another friend the other day, and she had brought up another issue in the book, that people aren't just black and white, good or evil, that there's so many dimensions (that reminds me of Pleasantville too). She wanted to know what it was about, and I thought hmm... it's partly about how the good people are forcing good on people who aren't, whether they want to or not (which is something her and I talk about a certain amount) and that got me into analyzing other parts of the book too.

Then, I remembered how much I liked Gattica, where even if you're genetically engineered to be perfect, and you're part of an elite class, your life can suck (Jude Law's character, who's the perfect man--genetics-wise, who has tried to commit suicide a couple times)

And how much I loved Brave New World--another one involving genetics, but other things as well, such as conditioning. It's the perfect world, but then you realize there's no art, no emotion, and everyone gets high and watches porno movies just to deal with their lives.

So....that's my inane self/book/movie evaluation for today :P

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