Sunday, June 02, 2002

Hmm..... Not to sound obsessed with my logs, posting about them twice in a row and all, but I totally just got a visiter from a porn site (through blogsnob). That's a first. I bet THAT visitor was disapointed :P

Oh and another newsflash: bug bites SUCK. Yea, they're annoying for those of you who you just get bitten, and never feel it again, but YOU SUCK as well, for not having the pain of my people (my people being the ones who get bitten and then get big welts that swell up and itch for a week or more afterwards). You know who you are. *narrows eyes menacingly*

Bah, I guess I should know better than to walk around after dark in the summer. Screw locusts, mosquitos are truly my plague.

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