Saturday, June 29, 2002

Maybe people in big cities don't care, I'm sure, but I'm always way too excited when they mention my town in books. Especially good books. I was reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman this week (very, very good book) and it mentions my town twice. In passing. But it's still cool.

PLUS, very interesting--this one setting in the book kept sounding more and more familiar. It reminded me of somewhere I'd been as a kid, but I couldn't remember the place's name, where it was, or when. But still, as I read more and more descriptions of "The House on The Rock" I had this creepy "deja vu" feeling. The descriptions involving dolls, and most of it being underground started the feeling, and I was convinced by the time they got to "the largest carousel in the world."

I kind of started describing it to my mom, and she immediately was like "Oh, the House on the Rock. I love that place, I saw it once as a kid, too." It blew me away, it was so cool.

Anyway, that's how my brain works.

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