Wednesday, June 26, 2002

When Worlds Collide

One of the most unpleasant things to do: get caught in a lie.

Which, I almost did last night.

Setting: My Mom and I were in the bookstore last night. We used to go there a lot, but this summer I've been going to the library more, because I'm trying to save money for my trip to England. Speaking of which--two of the people going on the trip with me (actual grown ups, one of them works for the paper or something) see me, and all start up a conversation. I introduce them to my mom.

Background: Normally, when worlds collide like this, I don't care. I am an upstanding citizen, for most intents and purposes. I don't drink, smoke, have sex, or party. The only time my parents know of that I skipped class, I spent the time writing a research paper for another class. I've never even had a traffic ticket in my entire life.

Unfortunately.... I want to hang out with Wanda. I met her on the internet, but we've known each other for over 3 years now, and we're practically best friends. How can I go to England and not meet her? So.... since the prof said we could come early for a small fee, and I wouldn't have to pay for housing if I stayed at her house....... I added 3 days onto my stay in England. I didn't want to ask, because I'm pretty sure my mom thinks everyone on the internet is serial killers. I didn't want to screw up the wonderous miracle that she even let me go on this trip at all by even asking about Wanda, because I can see my mom being all like "That's the only reason you want to go there. No, you're staying here." Though I've wanted to go even before I knew Wanda. I shouldn't, shouldn't, shouldn't, have tried pulling this off. Why risk the most fabulous trip EVER for something stupid like this. I get my weekends and nights free, Wanda and I probably could've hooked up at some point, without the scheming..... *sigh* But I honestly didn't think it would be that hard, just to add 3 days onto a trip of 3 weeks.

Other near misses: The proffessor almost inviting my parents to the group barbeque. My mom almost calling him up to see why HE doesn't provide transport to the chicago airport (which, he wouldn't even if I wasn't going early), my mom almost calling him up to see why he prefers debit cards to credit cards. The travel agency sending me conformations with "deviation" practically stamped ALL OVER THEM, and my mom fortunately not thinking about it. But over all, the strain hasn't been too bad.

Last night: DEAR LORD. We're still waiting for the damn tickets in the mail. Mom: "We still haven't gotten the tickets." Trip People: "Oh, he keeps them for you, unless you're going early." D'oh, D'oh, D'oh. I think I might've fixed this one by saying after they left that I thought they were wrong. All I can think of is if the stupid tickets don't arrive soon, I can't even call anyone about it, because my mom will all be like "well he has them."

They told her that the group meets you at the airport. My god, I'm going to have to fake, fake, fake acute embarrassment at being seen with them by the group, or else they'll refuse to leave me until they know I'm with the group, because I know they think I'm a half-wit who couldn't get on an airplane by myself, and they'll be looking around for a group that won't be there.

A parting shot as they left: "See you in almost a month." Bless those people for not saying "On the 20th."

But then, the nightmare still isn't over. We go to checkout just when they do. They end up talking to one of the checkers, who had gone on this trip before. And they were talking about how SHE'D gone early. On the 16th. Which, is only a day earlier than I'm going. If my mom overheard that, she'd prolly have some questions. But apparently she was paying more attention to what she was buying. Also, I loudly crinkled and swung the bag carrrying my purchases around, trying to drown out the conversation. Weak, weak defense.

The Guilt: They also mentioned how nice I seemed, for making an effort to talk to the shy girl at the barbecue. And how my group was studiers instead of the people who came last time that partied every night.

Now: I am so freaking worried. What are the ODDS? What are the odds we run into someone else out somewhere? The proffessor: infinately worse to run into than those two. Also, the girl who drove me home from the barbeque, who I told about my plan (except for the fact that it's a covert plan), as small talk. Or if she's out somewhere ALONE and sees the original people somewhere. Geez.... Why did I think I could do this? I even suck at small lies, what made me think I could pull off something like this? Before the month is up, I'm SO going to have an ulcer to go with the IBS

The ONLY good that can come of this: The woman warned me about a lack of towels in dublin. I shall bring towels now.

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