Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Flannery O'Connor
Flannery O'Connor wrote your book. Not much escapes
your notice.

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H.G. Wells

The first major literary talent to make himself at home in the science fiction field, greatly expanding its popularity.

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The bit about Flannery O'Connor frightens me a bit because her stories are messed up. Like, the one story of hers I remember this guy is stranded out somewhere and this family marrys him off to their mentally challenged daughter, which he doesn't really want to marry her, but he wants their truck so he can drive out of there, so he does and then leaves the daughter in a diner somewhere and drives off.

I do, however, remember being greatly impressed by the name "Flannery," after reading the story, though. I had a friend at the time who I was pretty often giving bizarre nicknames to (who recipricated in turn) that I called Yelena Flannery Pinshaw Ayatollah or somesuch. And I was Something Quequeg Something. Ayatollah came from us talking about Iran one day, Yelena was some figure skater, and Quequeg was a character in Moby Dick, which we'd read in the same sophmore english class as the Flannery O'Connor story.

Also, we had to read the page-long biography blurb on her, and I have no idea why I remember this, but she would sit down to write every day for an hour, even if she didn't have anything to write (then she'd just sit on her desk). And particularrly distracting was a disease she had called Lupus, an auto-immune disease where the immune system attacks the connective tissues in the body causing extreme pain (which I can identify with seeing as how Colitis is the same only with my poor colon taking the attack instead of connective tissue, only I didn't have colitis back then), and for years afterwards I would pretend I was an expert on Lupus just from the information about it contained in the blurb.

A lot of my memories are like this.

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