Saturday, June 12, 2004

I have this theory that my circadian rhythm is longer than 24 hours, because I like to stay awake for longer periods of time, then sleep for longer periods of time than the standard for most people. I never feel like I'm done doing one when I'm forced to start the other.

On top of that, I think I just need more sleep than people in general. I've been going to bed at 3a.m. and getting up at 11a.m. (because my mom insists on waking me up at 11 no matter when I stay up to at night, so I better not stay up later than 3). You'd think with 8 hours of sleep, I'd be fine, but I'm dead tired lately.

Today, my dad and I were watching Return of the King, and I totally would've fallen asleep if my dad didn't like to cheer the characters on (really, he does do this. Even in theatres) thereby startling me awake when "Go Frodo!" or "Get 'im, Sam!" is shouted loudly near me at random intervals. I actually kind of would've rathered falling asleep, since I've seen it before and, as I've mentioned, am dead tired lately. But every time I try to go to sleep before 3, I can't sleep and then have just wasted the time I thought I would gain in sleep on thrashing around TRYING to get to sleep.

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