Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Today I got a package in the mail from Ryan. Usually I don't like my internet friends to send me things, because I'm pretty sure if my parents knew that I gave any of them my address they would hit the wall, because my Mom, at least, thinks everyone on the net is a hacker, a stalker, or a perv. Which is somewhat of a contradiction, as she spends a good deal of time on the internet as well.

Mostly, I agreed because he was being so darned mysterious about what he wanted to send me. So, stalkers and pervs: if you want me to give up my address, curiousity is my achilles heel much more than avarice. Most happily, my parents (who normally pick up the mail right when it comes in) were at the Dr's office today, so I could sneak it in without lying (which I hate and am horrible at) about where it came from.

Anyway, it was a signed copy of Ben Folds' Rockin' the Suburbs," which I can see why he thought of me when he found it lying arounhd, because he knows that I seriously want Ben to have my babies.

Which got me thinking: that brings my autograph collection up to 3. The other two being a signed copy of Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five, which is technically my Dad's but I stole it from him a long time ago. Neither Dad, nor I, even knew it was autographed until I took the dust cover off one day for some reason. I looked it up on Ebay once, and it's at least $100, but I wouldn't sell it. And...

A signed picture of the guy who played Ensign Harry Kim on Star Trek: Voyager (I don't really know the dude's actual name). Which, I DO enjoy Star Trek. But not as much as my cousin, who goes to all of the conventions and everything. According to my Dad (who knows her better than I), its not so much Star Trek that she loves, but Bill Shatner, which kind of frightens me*. This all boils down to the fact that she got Harry's autograph at one of the conventions and sent it to me for high school graduation. My mom was all, "Save it! It could be worth a lot of money someday!" but I doubt it because after Voyager tanked, I haven't really seen him in anything else.

So anyway, I think I must be the coolest or lamest ever. Not everyone can say they have autographs from Ben, Kurt, and the token Asian dude from Star Trek: Voyager.

Lore: They really shouldn't let me into these wax museums.
Lore: One of these days I'm going to steal a Jacqueline Onassis and a Moe Howard.
Lore: And make them do unspeakable things.

--Lore Brand Comics

* Though, according to a friend, Bill's been in a fairly good movie (in Esperanto, no less!) where he falls in love with a demon or something :P

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