Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Phoemeister: If I hear one more damned person say "pear shaped"!!
Phoemeister: I will hurt them
Talia: having it called 'junk in the trunk' annoys me hehe
Phoemeister: yeah, that's annoying too, thankfully I don't hang out with the type of people who use that phrase
Talia: or ka dunka dunk
Phoemeister: I've not heard that
Talia: it's more of a black person phrase I've heard on tv
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: I'm too white and out of it
Phoemeister: I noticed when I was writing that sitcom pilot where the one character was supposed to over use slang, everything I've got is from like, 1992.
Talia: I like to watch TLC's What Not to Wear and hear a black lady on there talking :-P
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: Man, I am REALLY lame if someone on TLC, albeit african american, can out street-talk me.
Talia: the lady dressed like a street walker and her family really wanted her to have a make over and be taught how to dress
Phoemeister: Oh. I thought you meant someone who helps give the makeovers
Talia: no, she was getting one
Phoemeister: Yeah, I don't mind being lamer than someone they had to drag kicking and screaming onto TLC. Just as long as she doesn't work for TLC.

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