Monday, June 07, 2004

Sister's baby shower today. I never really like these sorts of things, but hey. One really nice thing was one of my sister's friends came over to talk to me for awhile and we had a good conversation. My problem with a lot of showers is not having anyone to hang out with. Technically, I did sit at a table with my Mom and this neighbor we've had all our lives, but they only wanted to talk about old people stuff,* and the whole situation with my Grandpa's girlfriend which I find to be a kind of torture, it's so depressing.

One thing that did burn me, though, is that my sister registered, so she got no duplicates. Save one. Yeah, you guessed it: someone went and bought her the same thing as me. She's keeping mine and not theirs (I got the actual brand she asked for on the registry, whereas the other person got some random one), but it really made me mad, because I wanted my gift to be special. I mean, technically it's not that special because someone would probably have gotten her the baby swing if I hadn't, but still. The whole point of registries is to avoid duplicates.

And, though this is a totally different topic, I'm going with it: Ronald Reagan's death. I know that Reagan was like, the oldest president ever in office, but it still feels weird to have the guy who was president when you were born die. It's like an age milestone or something. Honestly, though, I don't remember that much about Reagan, the only Reagan-related thing I can really remember experiencing is when that dude tried to shoot him.

Anyway, some of the clips of him they've been showing have been interesting. I mean, I know they aren't going to say anything bad about him, because he just died, but he's got some fairly impressive achievements going on, cold war-wise. And he's genuinely funny. Not that I think we should vote on presidents based on funny, but it was still interesting. It makes him seem like he would've been a cool guy to know when he was alive.

RIP the Gipper.

* Old people talk includes but is not limited to: illnesses, people who've died recently, gossip about people you knew 20 years ago but don't anymore but still feel the need to gossip about them, gas prices, and probably more I've left out.

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