Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Today I saw The Day After Tomorrow, which I enjoyed overall. The one thing that made me laugh, though was this:

There's this scene where some people want to burn books to keep warm, and these librarians are all, "No, don't burn knowledge!" but it killed me, because they're standing in this room full of wood furniture at the time they're arguing about this. Plus, various shots of other rooms are also plentiful in the wood furniture. Plus, whether or not you give a crap about burning knowledge, wood makes a helluva lot better of a fire than paper! I can see ripping out some pages for kindling, but whole books are nearly as hard to light as wood is, and just smoulders instead of making a fire capable of lasting very long or giving off very much heat.

Oh, also I found it a bit preachy, they keep talking about how our irresponsible ways brought on this ice age. Which... I am pro-environment, and I do find the way that we ignore global warming reprehensible. But there WAS an ice age however long ago that we had nothing to do with causing. The people in the movie might've sped it up a bit, but I don't really think it came on soley because the VP wouldn't listen to crazy fringe-group scientist Dennis Quaid's ideas and sign the Kyoto accord like, a month before the storms hit.

.....but still a pretty good movie :D

Boy on a Stick: God told me I'm precious
Slither: God said I was His right-hand man.
Boas: God invited me to His birthday party.
S: I went to God's slumber party last summer.
Boas: God helps ME with my homework!
S: God gave ME His lucky rabbit's foot!
Boas: God loves me best!
S: That's not what He told me!
God: ha ha ha! Man! It's fun to mess with people!

--Boy on a Stick and Slither

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