Saturday, November 06, 2004

Fun facts about my novel:

1) My main character's name means "wanking gnome" in some scandinavian language. Honestly, I've been eager to use it as a name for a character ever since I came across it on a site devoted to swearing in foreign languages once. All my other character names are crap. The worst thing about writing fantasy is you have to come up with the most preposterous names for characters, especially nonhumans.

2) All my chapter headings, and I have a zillion of them, I don't know why, are song titles. These aren't songs that would make a particularly great soundtrack for the novel, but picked rather for the name of the song vaguely having something to do with something in that chapter.

3) It starts with the worst fantasy novel cliche ever, my main character's village is burnt down and she's the only survivor.

I hit 10,200 words today. Honestly, I'm surprised at how easy it's been to stick to so far. And though most people might find it stressful to write, I'm finding it relaxing. I am very much enjoying losing myself in my own poorly fabricated fantasy world and the poorly fabricated problems of my poorly fabricated characters than dealing with my own life. Though I get my share of writer's block, I almost regret when I hit my word count for the day and have to return to my own life and think about how I'm going to get a job or internship, the stupid papers I have to write for class, how I want to get a video essay done this semester because it's my last chance to learn digital editting but am utterly devoid of ideas for a good video essay, and probably won't have the time for it either, especially as I'm writing this damned novel....

This song will become
the anthem of
your underground

--"At Your Funeral," Saves The Day

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