Saturday, November 27, 2004

The nausea and dizzy spells mean its* working!

Yes, today was the first day of break that I didn't have a completely horrible headache. Combined with the fact that this is the next to last day of break and that my bowels have been acting up too: not a great break. Also: I didn't not have a headache at all. I just had a less bad one. But that might be because I went to a movie, which nearly always gives me a headache, with the way they jack the sound up in there nowadays. But the downside, as I started out the post, I've been a bit dizzy and nauseated. But not a huge lot. So I can't tell if I really am dizzy and nauseated, or only am paranoid about it and making myself so. We'll see, I guess.

Also, I'm not sure if it's the drug that kept me from getting a huge headache, or ironically, going to the movie. I have this theory that The Noise that is driving me nuts is helping cause the headaches, because it's sort of similar to bass, which my experience with the loud-music playing neighbors from a few years ago tells me gives me headaches. And the movie got me away from the house and hence, The Noise. And my head felt better. Something to think about.

My dad and I saw Alexander. I wasn't crazy to see it, but my Dad is all about the ancient civilization epic flicks, and I didn't think it would kill me, so I went along. Plus, like I said, I was dying to get out of the house. And... every so often it had its moments, but being like, 3 hours long, there were a lot of bad moments to slog through to get to them. But it got me out of the house and away from The Noise. And for that I loved it.

* The migraine prevention drug I started awhile ago

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