Wednesday, May 25, 2005

For awhile in college I was toying with the idea of becoming a librarian, but tossed it because I didn't want to get a master's degree. And then I decided on TV and the point was moot. But now since I don't think I'm going to get a non-tv video job, I've been re-thinking the librarian idea. I still don't know if I want to do it. Especially since it would especially suck to go through librarian school only to discover I hated it too.

So I was mentioning that to my friends yesterday. Which... I feel the need to say "I'm mulling over becoming a librarian" nowadays to people rather than "I do nothing, and have no idea what I will do." That's the worst thing about being unemployed and having no prospects, having to explain it to other people. I can really see myself turning into some sort of George Costanza who just constantly lies to people telling them I'm an architect or something else ridiculous just to not have to explain that I'm unemployed or, later on, employed in a crappy job.

And they said one library in town was actually taking volunteers, so if I wanted to I could try working there for awhile to see if I like it, at least. So... I went in and applied to be a volunteer today, am going to have an interview tomorrow. I just have to tell myself that I'm a college graduate and more than qualified to be an unpaid book-shelver.

On top of that, I visited Barnes & Noble to apply there to actually get PAID for doing something for once. My mom has been pushing working there ever since I've given up on TV. And I actually would like to work there, I think. And weirdly enough, when I came in, I saw a sign that they're hiring, and it was the first time I ever saw anything like that there in my life. And I shop there a lot.

Anyway, the whole Barnes & Noble affair was VERY depressing. The guy I got the application for was all, "they're having screening interviews from 5-7 tonight, first come first served, wear clothing suitable for an interview." So I dressed up. Got there at 4:40, and.... all the interview slots were already filled up, so I'm going to have to wait till next week when they're having them again, and... don't see what the point is, because if they have that many people interviewing already, why would they not have someone hired by then? And also--if there's that friggin' many people, why on earth would they hire me. I tried to tell myself the same "I have a B.A.!" speech I gave myself at the library, but have you ever seen the people that work at B&N? They're all old. They probably all have B.A.'s and thwarted dreams and dead souls just like I do, but probably interview far better and less crack addicty.

So it's back to the drawing board for paying work. The library thing could still go well, and I'm hoping it will.

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