Tuesday, May 17, 2005

What my life has come down to:

Adrienne: How's you?
Phoemeister: pretty good
Phoemeister: a friend and I are sending each other songs, and seeing who has the gayest music :P
Adrienne: Hee, nice.

But with no job, what else am I gonna do? Yeah... those temp people have never called me to do anything. So I'm thinking of doing something else, only I don't want to apply before Friday, because on Friday we're going up to my grandpa's house, he's selling it. So if they called for an interview while I was up there, it would be stupid. So... yeah. That's my excuse du jour.

Also, don't know if I can win the gayest music contest. Because we decided that it has to be GOOD gay music. Which is hard to find, and I don't know how much of it I gots.

...and then I got into a "who's nerdier?" contest, that started with leet and ended up being:

Phoemeister: I wonder why leet is so fun. I love being a dork
Adrienne: Me too. I think it's because even though most people know about it, it's still a small amount of people that use it. And an even smaller number who aren't cheeto-guzzling uber-nerds.
Phoemeister: LOL true. I'm hoping I'm not one of the latter.
Phoemeister: But I do know what a corellian is
Phoemeister: and what a cardassian is
Adrienne: Me too. I also know Corellians hate hanging back when they could be in the thick of it, and Cardassians like fine wines.
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: that is so awesome

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