Friday, May 20, 2005

I wake up this morning and get: "The bad news is, we aren't going to Grandpa's. The good news is you're going to a movie!"

Apparently my mom's really sick, which kind of pisses me off. She probably isn't making it up, but part of me is just really angry. It's just one reason after another why we can't ever visit grandpa, and now we never will again considering he'll now live in florida and we never go anywhere out of state for any reason, and I'm obviously not at the point in my life where I can afford plane trips to florida to see him by myself. I'm also kind of tempted to be all, "Go anyway! Big fucking deal! People do things while they're sick all the time!" But when my mom gets sick it usually IS pretty bad. She had pneumonia at the beginning of this winter, and is always getting bronchitis and stuff, and pretty much shuts down. It's because she's got a shitty immune system and even shittier lungs, the latter I blame on smoking. She's always coughing all the time even when she's well.

I'm also kind of pissed because I knew about this trip for awhile, and held off applying to places because I didn't want to be called up for an interview while I wasn't here. Which apparently was stupid wishful thinking. And now I don't know whether to start applying or hold off yet again because supposedly we might be able to make the trip still work a month from now or some crap. I guess I WILL go ahead and apply, but I'll be really pissed if I actually have a job by then and the trip does come through and I can't go. I REALLY just wish the trip had worked out NOW and I didn't have to deal with this stuff, and I could actually see my last surviving grandparent for once!

To bribe me, my Dad took me to see Ep III. Which actually surpassed my expectations. But then again, that's not saying much, seeing as how my expectations were at rock bottom. But I do think it was better than the last two. Hayden Christiansen didn't irritate me quite as much as he did in the last movie, I always enjoy Ewan and Yoda, and a lot of things got blown up or light-sabered. I have to say, though, the big buildup about the Wookiee homeworld is lame, because about 2 minutes of the entire movie takes place there.

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