Tuesday, May 10, 2005

So the job hunt goes.... slowly. Really, there are not many non-news video production jobs. So I'm sort of dragging my heels because I know I'm going to have to get a "real" job, but don't want to. My mom gave me a week to just sit around and do nothing, so I did that. Then I've been thinking about temp agencies, because again, my mom suggested it (okay, okay, I know she runs my life) for something to do until I can get into something better. So today I called up a couple agencies, I'm going to actually visit them tomorrow.

It is kind of embarassing to go back on the career path, though. Yesterday, I went to the dentist, and my whole family has gone there since before I was born. And by a freak accident, my sister actually had an appointment earlier the same day. So my sister told the hygienist all about how my internship was over and I've basically been doing nothing the last week. So I have to explain that, and that I'm going to be looking for temp jobs. I felt like such a failure. And why? Because I looked bad in front of my dental hygienist. That's dumb. But I remember back when I started my internship, and how cool people (including said hygienist) thought it was that I was going to be a photographer at a real TV station. Even though I like to think of myself as someone who doesn't care how "cool" they are, it is kind of depressing. No one get's excited for a temp. Or probably whatever I'm going to end up being after a temp (god willing). And then the embarrassing icing to the cake is the sitting around unemployed for the last week or so.

Also... I'm going to cut my hair! Big news, since it's been like, 2 years since the last one. And maybe four years between that cut and the cut before. Mom's actually been decent about not nagging me about my hair, so I figure I might as well reward her for being good about it. Also, I was thinking about getting a perm (which the only other one I had was when I was 12). Perms get a lot of bad press, and for good reason. I think a good majority of short hair perms end up looking like 'fros and/or old lady hair. Or if the perm's too tight. But I was thinking of getting a few inches off my hair and then getting a kind of loose perm on my still fairly long hair. I was thinking of this because I always have my hair up in a pony tail because if I leave it down it gets tangly. But with a perm, maybe I could leave it down sometimes because it's not as easy to see when permed hair's tangly? We'll see, I guess.

I guess that's all I have to say fer now.

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