Sunday, May 01, 2005

So yesterday was my last day of work at the station.

I spent the first few minutes describing in detail the whole dent incident one last time to some pencil pusher on the top floor so they know exactly how to file the claim on this "significant amount of damage," a phrase the clearly disapproving lady used as many times as possible to put me into my place.

Then I went to two stories, both on Komen Race For The Cure-related things. For people who don't know, it's a race to earn money for breast cancer research, and it's big enough that it has a few tie-ins. The one thing was this golf tournement. It was actually crazy fun, because this dude drove me around at top speed on his golf cart. You don't think golf carts go that fast until you're in one, clinging with all your might to thousands of dollars of heavy video equiptment, but then you become born again to the magnificence of the humble golf cart. Or at least I did. Believe me, SO much better than trying to lug it around a huge-ass golf course.

The other thing was this Johnsonville Brat mobile thing in front of a Cub foods, where they were selling the brats (bratwursts if you're accidently reading this like bratty kids) to raise money that was going to go to the Komen fund. That was actually kind of annoying, there were several really hovery people around. Honestly, some people are drawn like bees to honey if you have a damn camera. Thankfully, they don't try to get on screen, but they do come over and ask me about a million questions while I'm trying to get my job done. Most of the time I don't mind it, but when I'm in a hurry, I just want to be like, "Do I come down to where you work and pester you with about a thousand irritating questions while you're trying to do your job?" except I DO do that. I'm the media.

Anyway, there was this one particularly persistant guy who kept coming back. I would like to think that I'm just that hot that he wanted to hit on me, but no one ever has, he wasn't being flirty, and he was not in my age range. I told him I was an intern and am in charge of nothing (didn't add that it was my last day there anyway), but he still wanted my name and a number for the station, so I finally gave it to him to make him go away, even though giving out personal info like that makes me a bit queasy.

Then after I came back and editted these, I spent four hours doing absolutely nothing, as I have done quite frequently there.

So anyway, I'm happy to be gone, but not hugely thrilled to be unemployed. My parents are overwhelmingly understanding in giving me a couple days breathing room before I start applying to places, but I have to start all that process up again soon. Particularly irritating as I don't even know what places I want to apply to. The real world is already being a pain.

Today my dad and I rented movies and watched them. Also, we all went to Olive Garden to celebrate the end of the internship. I had alcohol! But I had to get my mom to order it because I didn't have my ID on me. It was my seventh drink ever. I'm such a lightweight. I also had one of their special tuscan whatever meals that they're pushing right now. Quite good. I love garlic. I'm like, whatever the opposite of a vampire is, I love garlic so much.

Good times.

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