Saturday, February 02, 2002

:-/ The school system sucks.... I was talking to this guy from Canada (which I had previously thought was like the most wholesome country in the world) and I feel SO bad for him now.....I never knew how lucky I was to be in a small midwestern town school....

And Yea, I realize how stupid most of my comments sound. But what can you say to some of this?

Him: I actually can see an old local KKK house a few blocks away from my house, it's a burnt shell. =P
Me: Ah. My town is pretty much whiteyville USA. But I don't think we have any KKK houses. Peoria (south of us) has a racist group called Church of the Creator, though, and the head guy is always visiting us to spread his filth

Not us personally, us as a town

Him: I know police officers by name at my school. They come everyday to make a sweep of arrests.
Me: We had a D.A.R.E. officer at my school.

But then he got arrested for drug abuse

then the next one we got was creepy, he was a touchy feely type *shivers*

And then in high school, we eventually got a cop guy hanging around. didn't even need a pass most times, when I started high school, but by after columbine we had hidden cameras and a cop and stuff

Heh, I was a senior by then, though, and a teacher's pet, so i could walk around wherever I wanted even w/o a pass, and no one would give me trouble. We had drug sniffing dogs every month or so..... That's always been that way, tho'
Him: Ah.
Me: we started getting bomb threats senior year too. Well, our school was pretty wholesome, because it was built in the middle of a corn field
Him: Our school is awful. You walk along the edges of the hallways, because you know someones bleed, or vomitted over most of the middle of the hallways.
Me: yuck

Our problem was overcrowding, you'd have to shove your way thru the hallway
Him: Gang brawls are close to real sports events at our school
Me: Yuck. I've seen a few fist fights, but no gang fights
Him: So is the "Drink as much as you can and see how long it takes before security finds you" game. That should be an Olympic event. Soft, blue fuzzy pants get you hospitalized. So does your birthday.
Me: Uhm, why fuzzy pants? And birthdays?
Him: For some reason, people wearing blue fuzzy pants get their ass kicked.

Majorly. And Birthday Beats...I won't go there.
Me: ah. Maybe it's a "gay" thing. This one guy got the hell beat out of him last year on our campus because he was wearing a shiney silver shirt, and they thought he was gay. Ironically, he was on his way to visit his girlfriend
Me: Aww.......that's HORRIBLE. Do you skip on your birthday?
Him: I've never told anyone when my birthday is. I've seen some guys who try to get out of school at the end of their day, on their birthday. True story...the guy ran straight into traffic and got hit by a car rather than stay behind and let the fifty black guys chasing him have a go at him. Guns aren't allowed on school property. But you can smuggle in switchblades pretty easily. Our security guard got fired for having sex with don't have one anymore.
Me: Ew.......

Yea, I have a little knife on my keychain, and whenever I'd have my keys out, people'd all act like I was a maniac or something, and to hide it from the teachers. Pfft, like I go around showing teachers my keys anyway. But yea, it's sad when they consider something like that a threat, and they can't even catch switchblade. your parents know what that school's like?
Him: Yep.

They don't like it.

But that's okay.

Because I found a way out of dying.

I broke the auditorium back door slightly. Now I skip classes in there with my friends. Saves me from being in the middle of gang-brawls and indoor snowball fights.
Me: that's a relief......... that school worries me
Him: We stopped having spirit assemblies. We had a riot last time we held one for the football team.
Me: :-/ ......yech

Though pep rallys suck anyway
Him: Yeah.
Me: how many years do you have left?
Him: Someone set off some dynamite two weeks ago in the football field.
Me: Jesus.....
Him: Two.

He blew a nice sized crater in the ground. The janitorial staff quit their jobs.
Me: I hope you graduate as soon as possible.....
Me: No wonder, with all the puke and stuff......
Him: Our bathrooms are puddles of urine.
Me: :-/

And that reminds me of a conversation I had once with this guy from SC. His jaw was actually broken by a group of thugs. And that's not the half of what happend to him..... And I made some smartass comment about how I was glad I was a girl, because they never get beat up in school, and he told me how some girl had gotten raped in a bathroom where he went to school.

Jesus.....I never knew how well I had it. I should stop pissing and moaning about ISU so much......

But he said bah, it doesn't matter to that, so I feel like less of an ass :P

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