Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Dammit! I'm SO pissed. There's another occupant in my already too small dorm room.

Uh...a four legged one.

Yes, folks: my roommate smuggled in a hamster and neglected to tell me about it. I'm not really pissed, just....curious. I'm not a half wit, hamsters make noise (and smell), I was bound to notice, right? So why not tell me. Also: why bother, she barely spends fifteen minutes of the day in this room anyway. Happily, it's not too noisy, so it prolly won't disturb my sleep, which is about all I care about anymore.

The Discovery
I actually noticed the cage a long time ago, it's under her desk, not that hidden, and I admit it: I'm a bit of a snoop. But it didn't seem like there was anything in it. Again: a bit confused. Why would you have a cage but not anything in it? I (naively) forgot about it.

Tonight: I turned off the music I'd been playing, and I hear a squeaking. At first I thought it was the Air Conditioner (such as it is). Then, I realized it wasn't coming from that corner of the room (over my bed, towards the door), but the exact opposite corner: her desk. The cage comes back into my mind with a vengeance. And, sure enough: the little fella (or girl, I didn't get that good of look at it) is excercising away on the wheel (which, having owned a hamster, I know is impossible to get to not squeak, although this one is VERY quiet when it comes to hamster wheels). Not gotten the best look at it, as I don't think the roommate would appreciate coming back to see me moving all her junk around to get a better look at the hamster she seemed to not want me to know about in the first place.

The Solution
I'm going to tell her I know, but not make her get rid of it unless the squeaking interferes with my sleep. I briefly toyed with the idea of setting it free and when she's like "Where's my hamster?" being like "What hamster?" but I'm too nice for that.

Still a bit curious as to why I was not told about the third occupant of my room. It seems the roommate will not be back by the time I go to bed, so I left her a note: "Noticed the hamster. What gives?"

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