Monday, August 19, 2002

Well, now I've changed shirts (yea, this blog is fascinating), so now I don't look like such a freak. My mom's bringing me good pants right now, too. She's nice in that way, at least. Plus, she's coming over to bring me socks anyway. Yes, I forgot socks. Anyway, without these socks I would be lame by the end of Wednesday, and she's saving me from that torture.

Socks are not the least of what I forgot. Last night, when i was moving in, I freaking forgot my keys and wallet. Honest.... We got all the way here, and had to drive back home and then in again. I was tired.

New development with Sib: now she lives in a certain dorm that rhymes with "Do it." As in "Girls from ____, like to do it!" She taught me the rhyme in the first place, so now I'm giving her no peace. Don't ask me how she's living on campus now all of a sudden, because it's too complicated to explain, apparently.

New roommate: since I got here about 8:00 p.m. yesterday, I've probably seen her a total of 10 minutes. As I keep saying, "She seems nice."

Yesterday: Bridal Shower: went well. Except it's sort of "too many cooks spoil the broth syndrome." My mom, the groom's step-mom, and my aunt all seemed to be vying over control of certain aspects, which kind of irritated me because it pretty much says I'm too stupid to do it all by myself.

Uh, I have to buy a 50 dollar prog for ACS, and some more books. Yep, that's it.

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