Saturday, June 25, 2005

Today I helped my parents babysit the 'phew (AKA sat around and watched my parents play with the 'phew) while my sister and her husband went to see batman. Then we all went out to dinner together for my brother in law's birthday. I got him a card that says, "I thought you'd like a scratch and sniff card for your birthday!" on the outside, and on the inside has a guy scratching his butt while a dog smells it. Now that's what we here in the midwest call "classy."

Also, I bought myself some chapstick, as my lips have been freakishly dry lately, and then I used up the chapstick I had been using lately, and had been using this old tube of bonne bell that I'm apparently allergic to because my lips started itching, so I had to throw it away. Thus the need for the new chapstick. True story.

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