Thursday, October 06, 2005

I finished Julie & Julia. And it was GREAT. I think I have this voyeuristic part to me that just loves reading people's memoirs. But weirdly, I have trouble enoying a lot of memoirs. Some people who have written memoirs have done great things and all, things worth reading about, but they (or their ghostwriter) just can't write for shit and it all turns out quite crappy.

But then there are people who might not have done anything THAT spectacular, but they were born with the writer's gene and their small achievement (in Julie's case, going through 540 Julia Child recipes in a year) seems enthralling and witty and touching even if, like me, you could'nt've given less of a crap about cooking when you started the book.

So I would reccomend it, if you give a crap about what I think about books at all, which you probably don't :P

Also, her blog's here if you want to be cheap and read her archives instead of buying the book, though obviously the book and blog aren't exactly the same.

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