Saturday, October 08, 2005

So, I must look like the most vanilla person ever. Because, as you can read in my blog, I curse a moderate amount. But whenever anyone I don't know all that well hears me curse, or I admit that I curse: they're all surprised. OR curse themselves at some point and then apologize to me for cursing around me like I'm the square who can't take cursing or something.

That happened with one coworker today.

Then, another coworker, who we had a whole long conversation re: cursing earlier so she knows my position on it, was saying something or other was a CF, and I was like, "What's that?" and another coworker was all, "Don't corrupt her by telling her that!" And it turned out it was clusterfuck. Which, I know what that is. I just am bad with acronyms.

Then, after I left them to do something else, I was thinking, "If they only knew," because I have a TON of absolutely filthy AIM conversations. I think I happen to curse more on AIM because AIM's mostly where I talk to people who don't get mad at cursing. And I got a little grin because I was thinking of some of the more amusing filthy conversations I've had, and yet another coworker was all asking why I was smiling (which, btw: I hope you, dear reader, know that that's the most annoying thing ever because 9 times out of 10 the thing you're thinking of either 1) an inside joke that involves a lot of explaining and is really not worth it for the person or 2) something completely inappropriate. And this was both, so I just lied and said it was because I was having a particularly good day.

Oh, and later, the clusterfuck coworker was talking about something to do with strip poker and how you'd probably want to be drunk first. And I agreed, I can't really see myself doing strip anything without a little booze in me. So apparently she gave some version of this exchange to the "don't corrupt her" coworker that apparently made it sound like I get drunk and play strip poker all the time, because he came up to me later and (this is all in a jocular tone, of course, not really judging me or anything) basically tells me he misjudged me because he thought I was sweet and innocent and all that and here I am telling about my love for drunk strip poker.

Which, I don't get drunk, or play strip poker, much less do both in conjunction, but I find it weird that automatically people assume I'm this sober, non-stripping-non-cursing person.

Note to self: come up with a better way to refer to individual coworkers. The problem is I'm too lazy to come up with fake names for all of them, initials won't work because there's a lot of duplicates, and Tina and various guys named Ryan are the only people I use their real name on here because they're the only ones that already know I insult them on this blog all the time and don't mind.

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