Monday, October 03, 2005

So I've been working, working, working. And watching movies.

Just like heaven: meh. Alright for what it is, but no shocker.

Serenity: Man. I've been waiting for that movie since Firefly got canceled. I had huge expectations.... so, yeah, I was let down a little. The problem is: Firefly is very character driven, which is why I loved it so much. But most movies: plot-driven. Because rarely does anyone want to see a movie that doesn't go anywhere, and they don't have as much time to fool around with as a TV series, even one only on for one season, does. So of the 8 characters, only a couple got any time for character development, and the others are just like, hanging around. Also, people who never watched the show probably got even less out of it, as they have no idea what the dynamic is among this group of people. So the verdict: alright, but I really wish they'd just not been morons and cancelled the show in the first place.

The other day at work I rang up this prof I used to have for these two film classes who made us all miserable with busywork and horrible films. He didn't recognize me, but apparently one of my coworkers once had a class with him and he recognized HIM, and it irritated me. That guy made my life miserable for a semester and destroyed my attention span for watching movies for all time! The least he can do is recognize me.

Also the other night I had a dream about work. Where I basically just did everything I do at work every day. Worst dream ever. I mean, a nightmare is almost better than just doing the same thing every day and then doing it again at night in your dreams. I like my job.... but that's crazy.

I think I got my first certifiable jerk customer the other day, too. By in large, I've been pleased at how few really mean people I've gotten (though I've gotten a few dumb people. "Hey, can I use this coupon today that says it isn't good till a week from now?" Question asked, and answered, lady.) And I really don't mind customers who make the whole thing a pain for me if they're nice about it. But this lady WAS a pain (getting mad at the coupon regulations, deciding not to buy something after all, making me use the coupon on something else, getting all mad that the other coupon was on something she didn't want it used on blah blah blah) AND a total bitch to me, like I make up the coupon rules!

ANYWAY, that all sounded kind of whiney, but I am kind of whiney, so deal with it :P

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