Friday, October 28, 2005

Wow. Already: my pile of stuff on hold bigger than anyone else's. And that's before adding in my sister and brother in law's gifts/requests.

I am thinking people must be slackers and not putting stuff up very fast. Because more than a few said they'd be doing all their christmas shopping that day, and really, I think most people would be buying more than that. Anyway: my pile's huge, now. In addition to the parent/phew stuff, I added a ton of paperback novels. I couldn't find Fever Pitch, but I have How to be Good and a book of short stories editted by Nick Hornby. I have all the Witches books I mentioned, and one of the Asaro books because most of them weren't there. The big bulk-adding agent is probably Kurt Vonnegut. I forgot how freaking prolific he is, actually. And I mean, we didn't even have in all of his stuff, and I decided to forgo the many volumes of personal memoirs for now, too. So I probably didn't need to ask people for suggestions after all :P (though I'll think about it)

Those Evanovich books: probably actually AT my house, my mom consumes mystery novels like candy and I know I've seen that name around. Other suggestions offered: meh, we'll see :P

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