Friday, October 28, 2005

I had lunch with Sista today. We hadn't been working at the same time for a little while, so I thought today would be a good day to hang out. We like talking about random other stuff, but I have to say we gossiped about people at the store quite a bit. I feel like I shouldn't be, but I am a very gossipy person. Though, apparently, not as gossipy as Carmax, as Sista and I decided while we were gossiping about Carmax :P

Anyway, I found out some interesting things that I shall now gossip to you via the world wide web. Because... I'm gossipy, dammit.

1) Sista was there the night Kevin* brought in Lenny Kravitz months ago and still remembered how horrible it was enough to actually bring it up in conversation today, thereby making me feel not as bad about constantly harping about it over at KS.

2) I think TII is just weird in general, because according to Sista, he's always doing weird things. Including addressing all the female employees as "Milady." Which he does do, I had actually forgotten about it, but that is hella dorky/weird and thereby makes me feel free to think of any weird interactions we have as weird because of him, not weird because of me.

3) This isn't gossip, but is very fabulous: Sista has a burner, and someday she's going to burn a compilation CD of all the losery one hit wonders I've ever bought (like Spice Girls, Chumbawumba, etc.) and I'm going to bring it in and make people listen to it and be like, "Hey, you thought what I listen to is poppy? Well try this!" The only reason I've never brought in just one of those albums is I don't even know most of the songs on them, and don't care, really. I'd rather just bring in a compilation. Which I could do now! And sista's totally on board, she wants to actually be there when I play it. So rock!

* I've given him the nickname Kevin as he looks exactly like this guy I knew at WEAK named Kevin. Only that Kevin was mean. So I used to be irrationally afraid of this guy for awhile until I got to know him and realize he is really nice aside from the liking Lenny Kravitz.

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