Friday, August 05, 2005

because I'm a bored unemployed loser:

10 years ago - I was 13. Eeee. 7th grade, not a good time for me. Or else it was 8th grade by then. 8th grade was marginally better because while I was still universally hated by my peers, I had started getting into music by then. I really liked Santa Monica by Everclear.

5 years ago - 18. Eee. Also not a good time for me. Senior year of high school. This is when my colitis started kicking in, though I didn't know what it was, yet. I had gained friends sophmore year, but we were already kind of growing apart by senior year, and I had to hear every day about this college half of them were going to go to that I had not made it into because my grades weren't quite as well.

1 year ago - Man. I swear my life doesn't suck as much as this thing's reflecting, it just seems to end up on particularly hard times in my life. One year ago was when I had the gallbladder out. That was the worst single experience of my life. So maybe I'm lucky. But really, thanks to all the different complications: I was about at the end of my rope. BUT, I did gain a nephew. There's the positive. I'm totally going to be pals with him someday, I hope.

Yesterday - I applied for a dead end job at a hotel front office that I really don't want, but on the other hand, really do want so I don't sit around doing nothing all day. And so that I can stop applying for jobs for awhile. I really hate it.

Tomorrow - Best case scenario: I get an interview at the hotel. Worst case scenario: they never call and I watch another DVD director's commentary.

5 snacks I enjoy - goldfish crackers, M & M's, brownies, cheese, licorice

5 bands/artists that I know the lyrics to most of their songs - Ben Folds, Lifehouse, Breaking Benjamin, Idlewild, The Refreshments

5 things I would do with a $100,000,000 -

1) hire a team of top physicians to figure out what the hell is wrong with me, from the big things to the little things, and fix all of it
2) buy the 'phew a monkey (hasn't he always wanted a monkey?)
3) three words: high-price gigalo. Or does that only count as two words, because of the hyphen?
4) rims
5) bling-bling

5 locations I would like to run away to - Vegas, San Diego, South Carolina, Chicago, London, Dublin

5 bad habits I have - worrying, procrastinating, unrealistic fears, biting my nails, not looking people I've just met in the eye

5 things I like doing - sleeping, eating, listening to music, talking on the computer, talking in real life

5 things I would never wear - those pants with a word written on the butt, thong, bikini, biker shorts, pants with the ass cut out

5 t.v. shows I like(d) - Scrubs, House, Ed, Joan of Arcadia, Tru Calling. The last three are canceled now :(

5 movies I like - Pleasantville, Ocean's 11, Garden State, About a Boy, Bridget Jones' Diary

5 famous people I would like to meet - Ben Folds, Dave Grohl, Steven Soderbergh, Christopher Walken, Tom Hanks. (er, the last three were kind of off the top of my head)

5 biggest joys at the moment - Um... I think "things I like" takes care of that

5 favorite toys - discman, laptop, and um... do boatloads of CD's and books count?

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