Monday, August 22, 2005

So I have an interview tomorrow for a job I REALLY, REALLY want.

I mean, some of the jobs I've been applying for, I'd take, but I wasn't overly excited about.

But this one I AM. And I got an INTERVIEW! Which hasn't happened for most of the jobs I've been applying for. Let's just hope that I get the actual job! If I get THIS job, not getting hired for anything else and being miserable the last few months will have been worth it, just because instead of ending up with a job I don't even care about, I'll get a job I REALLY want. This one!

So send me your positive vibes, all you (2?) people who read this. Because I really need AND want this job.

Also: new alternatune, pretty much whingeing about Ben Folds selling some songs exclusively on Itunes.

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