Tuesday, August 02, 2005

So, I went to a doll maker site and made a me. Because I'm unemployed. And have that kind of time.

I'm actually not that happy with it. I think I have a wide-ish mouth, but most of the mouths are tiny or so huge they don't fit on the little faces, which I don't see what the point is, then. And all the eyes are huge, while I consider mine normal size. And I couldn't even really find my color, so I picked closed. And they're set very wide apart for some reason, though again, I think mine are probably normal distance.

I have a big nose, but again, any decent sized nose ran into the mouth, so I ended up with that bridge-less one even wider than my own. The hair is pretty much like mine, only nicer.

Clotheswise, the hoodie is pretty par for the course. The pants were the only actually baggy pants for an option, I'm not really happy with them. I usually wear jeans or cords or khakis, not so much cargo pants. And what's with the idiotic elastic around the ankles? Anyway, all the tight pants and tops made it look anorexic, so baggy looks the best anyway, even aside from what I wear most days.

The shoes: EXACTLY correct. I totally have a pair of shoes like that. Only they'd usually be half covered by my pants, as would my socks, because I don't wear bizarre pants with elastic at the ankles!

Feel free to stalk me now. Though, like I said, I don't know how easy it would be based soley on this thing.

Also accomplished today: yet another mix tape. I don't know why I make mix tapes all the time. I'm not even happy with them after I'm done, usually. I just get this urge to classify by grouping. I call it mix tape OCD. I also have "peel labels off of everything" OCD. But I suppose there's worse problems I could have.

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