Friday, August 05, 2005

Oh, also, I'm pissed off lately because I'm such a freak. If it's not colitis, it's headaches that may or may not be migraines every day (which... this has been going on for months but I really don't know what to do about it). If it's not that, then it's allergies that may or may not be allergies.

My most recent problem? Well this involves the allergies. I definately have allergies.... in the fall. But I've been having troubles all summer, which isn't usually a problem of mine. And I'm thinking some of it might just be my room's too dry at night. Because my eyes every morning feel dry, my throat, my lips are chapped, etc. I kind of had that problem in the winter, but knew it was that because in winter things get dry. But in the summer?

Anyway, my lips went from moderately chapped to disgustingly chapped. I'm stuck using chapstick every five minutes. And that doesn't even help, because I can't exactly do that overnight, which is when it's the worst. They're always sore and sloughing off disgusting amounts of dead skin.

But then it got worse! Not only are my lips dry, but the skin around them has gotten very itchy. I thought maybe it was the chapstick, but I don't think it is, I've tried several kinds and they all itch, and they never itched before. I'm going insane with the itching.

On top of that: I have these sores at both corners of my mouth that just will NOT close. They're not cold sores, I don't get those. My best guess is it's because my lips are so dry or something. But they won't close. I've had them for like a month now. They scab over, but every time I yawn or eat or talk or do anything that involves opening my mouth, the scabs crack. And they get worse overnight when I'm not doing anything with my mouth, again, I can only assume this is because of the dryness! My mom made me try cold sore stuff on them even though I told her about a thousand times I don't have cold sores, and that doesn't seem to help much.

I assumed the sore throat I've been having and the chapped lips were maybe because of allergies. And I could sort of rationalize the dry eyes into that too. But allergy medicine didn't really help any of it, and made the ol' colitis worse, so I'm thinking it's just dryness in the room where I sleep. But I don't know what to do about it, because I can't afford a humidifier on my own, and my mom doesn't believe me that it's dryness, and would probably be a jerk about me getting one even if I could afford it, on account of she terribly hates humidity, and we have a dehumidifier and everything going on down stairs, not to mention the air conditioning we're using anyway, and me having a humidifier would not only be me clashing opinions with her, which would piss her off, but also making the above appliances work harder and/or making her uncomfortable with extra humidity, no matter how I would explain to her it'd be a humidifier for just one room.

But I'm going insane. I've made peace with the fact that I am ALWAYS going to feel like shit because of my colitis, my ENTIRE life. I'm halfway there on the headache issue. But fuck! Is non-painful and non-disgusting lips that much to ask in return?

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