Saturday, August 27, 2005

So I got the new alarm clock today. I still actually kind of didn't want to, because the old one does work sometimes, and I hate just chucking things that still kind of work. This is the reason I have a thousand headphones where only one side works just lying around.

It's got a CD player in it too, but it's by the same maker as my old one. So while there are some changes in the controls, I'm thinking they're not too terribly different. Which is good. Because I'm like an idiot-savant when it comes to alarm clocks. Only instead of being impaired at most things, and then brilliant at one or two such as Rain-Man, I'm average at most things and horribly impaired at working an alarm clock.

I guess half the problem is my schedule at school was rather complicated, so I was always having to set it over and over to new times and I usually did it the night before when I was all tired and stuff.

I also have had this problem where I'm half asleep and hit a button different than the reset button, and for some reason that makes it so I can't turn it off even with the proper button, and I go straight from half asleep to mindless panic and it takes forever in the panicked state to fix things. I imagine it must look pretty funny to an outside observer.

In other news, the colitis has been worse lately, which is crappy because I don't want it interfering when I go to work. I mean, when I get the "urge," I can hold it, but it hurts like hell. Which is painful, obviously, and distracting as well.

new alternatune

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