Thursday, August 11, 2005

Phoemeister: I feel bad, though. I've forgotten SO much french
Phoemeister: so sometimes if I think of a phrase in french
Phoemeister: I can't tell if it's a real phrase or if I just made it up
Dragon: indeed
Phoemeister: but I do know that fromage is cheese
Phoemeister: and that soutenir is pimp
Phoemeister: all other bets are off
Dragon: Soutenir du fromage
Dragon: pimp with cheese
Phoemeister: cheese pimp
Phoemeister: niiiice
Phoemeister: I wish I were a cheese pimp
Phoemeister: that is my dream job now
Phoemeister: "Cheddar! You better have my money, bitch!"
Dragon: She finally snapped
Phoemeister: I'll show her snapped!
Phoemeister: I will pimp slap that block of cheese into next sunday if I don't get my money
Dragon: The actual image of people having sex with cheese is pretty fucked up
Phoemeister: hey
Phoemeister: I wasn't the one who brought up cheese pimping
Dragonnas Xavier: true enough

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