Monday, August 22, 2005

Oh, also: I forgot to recount my day for you. I actually did something!

My mom and I went to the mall so I could get some swim goggles. I've gained like, a ton of weight the last few months, and the only excercise I get is walking. I hate doing it on the treadmill, because somehow, even walking, I always seem to manage to pull something whenever I do it. And I haven't wanted to walk outside because it's been so hot. And then, I was like, "Hey, duh, what excercise is the most fun in hot weather? Swimming!"

And actually, no excercise that you do by yourself is fun, but I don't have anyone who wants to school me at badminton at the moment, so... it's all about the swimming.

Weirdly: I can still fit in the two swimsuits I have that I got when I was in like, Jr. High. Thank you, stretchy, stretchy spandex. But my goggles are all old and crappy, so I needed new ones.

For the record: I did go swimming once a couple days ago with the bad goggles, and I miss when I was a little kid and not all old and tired. I got tired within 15 minutes. But the burning means it's working, I guess, so if I can keep up any sort of enthusiasm at all for swimming, I should be in much better shape soon.

We also went to Bath and Body Works. I have had a gift card from them since Christmas, and am always meaning to use it up, and finally I did. I got grapefruit body wash that smells just delicious and this relaxing spearmint-eucalyptus body wash. I always have to get body wash, because I never use lotion or perfume. Not on purpose--I buy it or someone buys it for me, and I like it, but then I never think to use it. Oh, and my mom bought me a candle of the same spearmint-eucalyptus stuff. Just because. Yummy.

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