Tuesday, October 09, 2001

Hello dear blog. I realize I've been neglecting you. But that is because my life is going to hell in a handbasket. I hope you don't mind....

Actually, what I've really been neglecting is my other blog. I guess I can always find time to whine about me, but attempting to foster tolerance and love in the world can always wait. *sigh*

And, despite me berating myself for this, I'm going to continue to whine, rather than going over there.

Anyhow, the Mom thing: still going on. I feel unwelcome in my own home. I spose I'm going to stay at school or visit my roommate's home every weekend from now on. Otherwise I get to come home and get the same lecture the 100th time, about how I am horrible and don't respect her. Well, maybe if she gave me the respect that any adult human being would deserve, I'd return that. *sigh*

Boy, am I looking forward to Christmas break.

Good news: the "deciding my life" thing (yea, I really needed the aforementioned crap to happen when I'm trying to decide the rest of my frikken' life) has been resolved.

For now.

I chose my classes for next semester, but I've not decided on a major. Still. Which especially sucked when picking classes, because the overwhelming majority of classes available, you have to have declared your major in that subject to get into. Or have to have had a pre req or something. I was so desperate, I was actually considering Puppetry 183, a FIVE HOUR LONG puppetry class. Puppetry seems interesting, but I don't know if anyone could stand it that long.

So now I'm in:

Explaining Human Behavior (Intro psychology class) -- my roommate thinks I'd make a good psychologist
Intro to ACS (Applied computer science) -- grown ups think I'd make a good computer person
Some Philosophy course -- The last Gen Ed I have to take. Actually, I was gunning for a mythology class instead, but of course they don't teach that course anymore.
The Making of Europe -- some history class about Europe, that I could take w/o being a history major
Some English History course -- ditto, except substitute England for Europe

Why, you ask, am I taking so much history, and yet am not a history major? Well, I say, the only job available in that is teaching, which, I also have to say, I reeeeeeally don't want to do. I hate speaking in front of people. I hate kids. *sigh*

I guess that's all for now. I have a rant all thought up about how I always end up with the left handed desk in the history course I'm in now, but I'm too lazy to type it out. 'Specially since I have a rant about how horrible my life is up already (even though there are starving children everywhere, and the Afghans are getting bombed and etc. ets. I guess I'm a selfish bastard)

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