Thursday, October 04, 2001

Okay, I would also like to explain the previous post. Why do I have to move? Well, specific reasons. We do know the general reason is that my neighbors are jackasses...

8) Bass gives me a headache. I have a headache every day thanks to them
7) They keep me awake at night
6) when I'm tired, or have a headache, I can't pay attention to classes
5) I paid for this computer, I paid for the hardline connection, but I can't stay here to use it
4) I spend ALLL my time at the library, tho I SHOULD have a perfectly good room to do it in
3) The library's pretty far away, it's going to be a pain to go there all the time when it gets cold
2) I am geting maniacally angry about it. I make all these jokes about how I'm going to pee in front of their door all the time, and how I'm going to turn the arrow pointing to their names on their dry erase boards that says "class" to "ass." I've even thought of things to change their things pointing to their names that are even less obvious. Like "APO" to "ALPO." What the hell kind of an insult is Alpo? You have to be reaching to think up crap like that. I don't want to stay around till the point where I do go down to those guy's level and start doing horrible crap to them.
1) My roommate's equally miserable, (not to mention she's been harassed by these people) and will move out even if I don't, and I don't want to live with someone else, my roommate's my best friend.

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