Tuesday, October 30, 2001

Well....what can I say?

Oh, I got my flu shot today. (It's not cos of the anthrax scare, my mom always used to make me get one, and for awhile now she's not made me but I've done it anyway) I was muchly proud of me--I'm terrified of needles but I acted grown up about it for once. Yay...although I don't think it helped that last year I ended up with a pediatric nurse who manhandled me, which does nothing to lessen anxiety. Plus there was no line. Waiting's the hardest part.

Hmm.....isn't that from a song or something?

Oh, and here's a rant from yesterday:

I was in my english class, being the only one speaking up as always, and my stupid english teacher kept saying that Lous L'Amour is better selling than the bible--which I don't doubt--but the bible is one book. L'Amour wrote 80 or 90 books. If there were 80 bibles, (not just different translations), the bible would kick L'Amour's ass. No contest. I mean, the bible's been around forever practically. Hell, if Stephen King or John Grisham wrote 80 books they could probably do even better than L'Amour--especially if they had as many years since L'Amour's books came out to accumulate sales. I would have let this slide, but he kept saying it over and over, and it was bugging me. Plus, I like to take all the crap in my life out on my English teacher, because he doesn't seem to mind overly much, and it's good therapy. Plus, it means at least SOMEONE is saying something in that damned class. Anyhoo, I'm pretty used to a couple of people on the other side of the class giggle or snicker at me when I start arguing with him, because they think I'm some weird psycho dork bitch that's funny or something. I don't really mind this overly much, because screw them! I'm the only one who gives a half a damn about that class! At least I'm contributing, making discussion, so it's the slightest bit less dry! Anyhoo, yesterday one of the snickerers ended up next to me. And when I made the bible arguement, she giggled. And she was sitting right next to me for heaven's sake! I'd like to bitch out whoever the hell taught her manners! I gave her the evil eye, though, and she was quiet after that.

Heh, I doubt she'll ever sit next to me after that. And I'm glad!

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