Wednesday, October 03, 2001

Oh my gosh, my mom is so psycho! Okay, here's an actual AIM message:

Me: Yea. In fact, my jerk neighbors were playing their music really loud, so I left for genetics an hour early, and laid around under a tree near where I have class
Her: That sounds like a good thing to do on a day like today......too bad tomorrow will only be about 66 degrees
Me: indeed
Me: :-( Yea. Today, jess and I looked around at some of the other buildings on campus. We really want to move next semester, the neighbors are driving us nuts. And they're being kind of mean about the whole thing, too
Her: I sure wish there was something you could do about that music. I know it gives you headaches. That's not a fun way to live
Me: Indeed. And more than that, it's distracting, when I want to try and do anything that requires concentration
Me: heck, it's annoying even when I'm not concentrating on anything
Her: You may want to move, but I would think a lot about moving to a different building.......I don't think that would be a good idea. If your honors floor isn't quiet...what would a regular dorm be like.
Her: I really think you should stay in the same dorm

This would be motherly concern if she didn't regularly attempt to control me, and also, it wouldn't have anything to do with her, so why's she upset about it?

Me: We looked at others, actually going in them to hear them. Hewitt manchester is awful, but walker and ham whit are pretty good. Plus, there ARE floors with quiet lifestyles.
Her: It's an easy one to move into and out can do it a little early etc. And I do not have any intention of movintg all of your stuff home for Xmas break and then having to move you in somewhere else at the start of the second semester
Me: 1) You don't have to live next to them. You'd go insane. You're even worse about bass than I am.
2) Rather than move all my crap you think I should just live in misery for another semester?
Me: 3) Dad moves my crap, you never have anything to do with it
Me: 4) you can get early move in in ham whit too
Me: 5) I might just end up on another --dorm I live in-- floor
Her: You could try to move to a different room on the same floor or at least in the same dorm........or maybe they will move. And that's a mean thing to say about me not helping......Grandma and Grandpa were here this year......I helped with it las6t year

Me: You just sit in the car. How taxing is that, really?

And no, they won't move.

Really. She doesn't help. And if she did, it wouldn't matter, we only really do need a third person to sit in the car

Me: We can do it without you.
Her: I did not just sit in the car. And I know Dad will not want to move your stuff home over christmas and then back to the dorm.
Me: Look, don't put words in dad's mouth. When he says he doesn't want to do it, I'll believe him, but I won't believe you about it. If I have to, I'll get my roommate to help me. And my sister, because I'm sure she's willing. You won't have to lift a finger.
Mom signed off at 10:52:05 PM.

Do I really need this crap? Gaaaaaaah

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